Historical background of Prophet NUH (AS) part II.
Historical Background of Prophet NUH (AS) Part II
Prophet Nuh (AS), on the other hand, refused to give up and presented reasonable arguments. The sceptics continued to argue, saying:
Hazrat Nuh(AS) then said:
Despite his strong arguments, he persuaded his people to believe in Allah “hour after hour, day after day, year after year”. Furthermore, as he summoned them to Allah, they either fled or put their fingers in their ears, indicating that they were too haughty to listen to the truth. Overall, he concluded that his efforts had been fruitless over time.
As a result, he grew fatigued and despondent, and he prayed to Allah (SWT) to annihilate the unbelievers. According to the Quran,
Historical background of Prophet NUH (AS) part III.
Allah (SWT) then approved his petition. Allah instructed Prophet Noah (AS) to construct an ark out of wood and tools away from the sea. When non-believers saw his preparations, they mocked him, supposing he had gone insane. As the Quran states:
Prophet Nuh (AS) responded to the mockery of the disbelievers by saying:
His son, on the other hand, did not pay attention and said:
The seas eventually carried away all the non-believers, including Hazrat Nuh’s(AS) son and wife.After the water had been absorbed, Prophet Noah (AS) was saddened and wept because his son and wife had disobeyed Allah’s commands (SWT). Despite this, Prophet Noah(AS) prayed to Allah(SWT) for mercy. He let everyone off the ark, and life on Earth resumed its normal routine.Hazrat Nuh (AS) eventually died, and his last words to his son were to worship Allah (SWT) alone.
Read: Historical Background of Prophet NUH (AS) First Part
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