We all know that present era is the era of science. Basically, science is a knowledge which is gained through experiments and observations. In order to make it easier and comprehensible, science is divided into branches such as Biology, Physics and Chemistry and sub-branches. Astronomy is also an important branch of science.
The word “Astronomy” comes from two Greek words “Astron” meaning “star” and “Nomos” meaning “law”. Thus, Astronomy is a branch of science which deals with the study of heavenly (celestial) bodies such as stars, planets, comets and meteoroids etc., space and universe. In simple words, it is the study of sky beyond Earth’s atmosphere. The persons who study astronomy are called astronomers. It is important to note that Astronomy is not synonymous with Astrology. Astrology is a non-scientific method which predicts upcoming events.
Its Branches:
This is such a wide branch of science which is further classified into its branches. Here are some important branches of astronomy:
- Cosmology: It is a branch in which we study the wide-ranging properties of the universe i.e., origin, evolution and future events. Big Bang Theory, Dark matter Theory and Dark Energy Theory are the demonstrations of cosmology.
- Astrophysics: In this branch, principles of physics are applied to understand the nature, physical properties, interactions and behaviors of the celestial bodies and a universe.
- Astrobiology: It is the study of creation and evolution of life in the universe. It also searches life and its traces in the space.
- Astrogeology: It is the branch which studies rocks, terrains and other objects present in the universe.
- Astrochemistry: It is the study of chemicals and compounds found in space.
- Astrometry: Astrometry is the study of position and movement of celestial bodies.
- Observational Astronomy: This is the branch which deals with obtaining data from observations of celestial objects.
- Theoretical Astronomy: Theoretical astronomers use mathematical models, formulas and simulations to understand astronomical phenomena.
Its Applications and Scope:
Enrolling in astronomy courses can open up career opportunities in various sectors such as academia, research facilities, government agencies, observatories, planetariums, science outreach, aerospace, data analysis, and teaching.