Home Tips Tricks For rough and dull hands

For rough and dull hands

For rough

For rough and dull hands, massage

Women who move from one city to another often seem to express concern because of the sudden changes in their skin. There is no need to worry too much in this regard because sometimes due to changes in climate.

The hands of women with sensitive skin are prone to dryness, roughness and lack of luster very quickly, so women with dry and sensitive skin should use soaps that contain minimum amount of caustic soda and contain natural ingredients. Include oils. Women should use rubber gloves while washing dishes etc.

The process of shedding dead skin cells is also very beneficial for the skin. Women whose skin has become very rough due to climate change should make a paste by adding 1/4 cup of raw papaya in a blender. And adding 2 teaspoons of honey and a pinch of sugar to this mixture.

Massage it on your hands for a while, then massage it with warm milk for 5 more minutes. Then wash your hands with cold water. Take moderate amounts of olive and almond oil and after drying your hands, moisturize your hands with this oil. This process will definitely make your hands soft, smooth and absorbent.



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