Vitamin K: How Can It Prevent Bone Fractures?
Vitamin K: How Can It Prevent Bone Fractures?
Vitamins can improve bone health:
Research on vitamin K in relation to bone fractures.
An observational study from Edith Cowan University’s Nutrition and Health Innovation Research Institute found that eating more of the vitamin reduced the risk of bone fractures.
A research survey looked at the relationship between vitamin K1 and bone fractures in nearly 1,400 women. A broken hip bone in particular can lead to disability, poverty and even life itself. Therefore, high intake of vitamin may reduce the risk of bone fractures.
What is the condition of osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition where bone tissue begins to lose density over time.
Who is at higher risk of osteoporosis?
Although it can affect both older men and women, it is known to be a major health problem for postmenopausal women because bone health is affected as a result of a decrease in the hormone estrogen.
How can vitamin K prevent bone fractures?
Vitamins are important for healthy bones because they bind to bone protein. Through a process called carboxylation, the vitamin modifies these proteins so that they work well with calcium, an important mineral for bones.
What are the disadvantages of vitamin K deficiency?
Vitamin K is one of the three vitamins that are lost during prolonged cooking. However, a lack of vitamin  is rarely good for health, as a deficiency can lead to bleeding from various sites leading to clotting problems, weak bones, and an increased risk of heart problems. Is. are
Vitamins occur naturally in which vegetables?
There are two types of vitamins;
2 Vitamin KÂ
Vitamin K1 is found mostly in leafy vegetables, while vitamin K2 is also found in fermente foods and animal products. Another difference between the two is that vitamin K2 is absorbe faster by our body. Therefore, according to experts, the amount of vitamin  should be high because it can help us to protect us from diabetes. Let us detail the foods that are rich in these vitamins.
1: apple
Apples are not high in vitamin K, but they are easily digeste. Which can be use in case of urgent need of vitamin . The flavonoids and antioxidants present in it protect us from cancer, blood pressure, diabetes and other heart diseases.
2-Â soybeans
1: Soybean is a type of legume, which is rich in vitamins.
2: It is found mostly in East Asia in various forms, such as soy milk, oil and sauce.
3: Through soybean oil we can easily use it in our diet.
4: About 3 tablespoons of soybean oil provide us with the amount of vitamin K we need in a day.
5, canola oil provides the daily amount of vitamin K compared to 9 tbsp.
6: Soybean oil also contains heart-healthy fats and omega-3 acids, which help prevent heart problems.
3- blueberries
This fruit is also rich in vitamin K. Its low calories and high nutritional value make it an excellent weight loss tool. Antioxidants present in blueberries also improve our sleep and concentration and it is also very useful for the development of certain organs.
gastrointestinal problems
4- dry fruits
Apart from vitamin K, dry fruits also contain protein, fiber, healthy oil which is beneficial in inflammation, heart diseases and gastrointestinal problems. Various dried fruits, cashews and cashews are rich in vitamin K.
5- green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables, especially spinach and kale, are rich in vitamin K. Apart from vitamin , other vitamins are also found in abundance in them. We can use them in any form from salads to curries.
6- fish
According to experts, consuming fish twice a week provides a healthy amount of vitamins B, D, K and calcium and phosphate. Because of these nutrients, fish is very beneficial in blood pressure and heart diseases.
7- Sauerkraut
It is a raw form of cabbage that is fermente with the help of lactic acid. This increases both its taste and shelf life. Since it is a vegetable, it is rich in both vitamin K1 and K2. It strengthens our bones and immune system and improves digestion. It is commonly use with hot dogs and sausages.
Vitamin K benefits our body in many ways and consuming it through these natural foods can help prevent bone loss.