Sunday, December 8, 2024
HomeHealthHealth is Wealth

Health is Wealth

What is health?

Health is defined as a state of physical and mental well being ,the best way of living a good life is to maintain a good health .As we know that nowadays everybody is in a stressful condition because of Covid-19.

Therefore, people are dying due to this pandemic so it’s necessary for us to take care of our health. To eat as much healthy as much you can because eating healthy. Nutritious food can boost up your immunity diseases cannot have a serious impact on your health.

As the doctors and health care specialists urge us to eat fresh and unprocessed foods every day’s eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and whole grains. Foods from animal resources like eggs, meat, milk, fishes, for optimal health it is also important to stay hydrated.  Drinking Water is recommends instead of sugar sweetened beverages.

Covid-19 Precautions

Safety precautions are following below to stay safe by taking simple precautions.

  • Physical distancing
  • Wearing a mask
  • Keeping your room well ventilated
  • Avoiding crowds,
  • Leaning your hands and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue
  • Check local advice where you live as per Govt.

Lockdowns Effecting on Health

In other words, lockdowns everywhere to keep people safe. Everyone should try to stay in their houses and do some healthy activities. Such as they should stay physically active, exercise is much important for good health.

What is health?: Defining and preserving good health The most important thing here is to take care of your mental health. During Lockdowns people are jobless so there is stress and depression so the most important thing is to take care of your mental health. Similarly, do the activities which give you relaxation and that makes your heart happy. Take care of you and your family, stay home and stay safe. A healthy mind endures only in a fit and healthy body.

A happy mind and a fit body help you maintain the energy to achieve success in life. All of us must aim to achieve wholesome health. A fit person can overcome the diseases and can lead to an active and stress free lifestyle thus we must concentrate on our health, have good nutritious food, sleep well and exercise regularly, in this pandemic lets promise ourselves to stay healthy and active ,and wear mask because it’s better to wear a mask than to wear a ventilator.

#health #pandemic #wealth #lifestyle


Cystic Fibrosis

Down’s Syndrome

Alzheimer’s Disease

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