Pakistani Chicken Qorma Recipe. Pakistani foods and Indian foods have acquired special status globally. Almost everyone around the world knows about Pakistani and Indian foods and recipes. There are uncountable Pakistani and Indian recipes that could bring water in your mouth. In today’s article we are going to discuss Pakistani Chicken Qorma Recipie. In this article you will learn how to make delicious chicken qorma.
Pakistani Chicken Qorma Recipe
Chicken 1 kg
Oil half cup or according to your choice
Onions 3-4 big sized
Tomatoes half kg
yougurt half kg
green chilli a few
red chiili powder according to taste
salt according to taste
corriender powder as per taste
turmeric powder two to three pinch
cardamom as per your choice
Cooking Process
- First of all wash the chicken thoroughly
- Place cooking pan on fire and put half cup oil in the pan
- Now cut the onions and put them in mild hot oil
- let the onions tender and light brown
- Put washed chicken in the pan and roast it until it gets light borwn
- Now cut the red fresh tomatoes and put them in the pan
- stir the three ingredients and try to mash the tomatoes with cooking spoon
- Add salt, red chilli pwder,cloves,turmeric powder,corriender powder in the pan.
- Now add ginger garlic past alont with nuts and cardomum in the cooking pan and roast the whole ingredients for almost 10 minutes.
- Now add yougurt and a glass of water in the pan and let the chicken tender for almost 10 minutes
- Â Cover the pan with pan cover
- Remove the pan from flame.
- your tasty chicken qorma is ready. Enjoy it with your freinds and family